Your Mind & Brain Are Not Equal

Your brain is the physical organ inside our skull that controls our body. Our heart rate, breathing, and digestive processes are all “non-conscious” in the sense that we don’t have to think about them to happen.

Your mind is a conceptual concept, which we can’t prove, yet all of us have the ability to think, act, and feel on a daily basis. However, this is where many of us get stuck. Negative thinking, irrational beliefs, and unrealistic expectations create stress for our minds AND body.

After being a mental health therapist for years, I realized that many people have a difficult time in life, despite trying to change. If you have a high stress level, difficultly focusing, trouble sleeping, chances are your mind, body, and brain are stuck in what is called flight or fight. This isn’t something you can just think your way out of.

My center offers physiological assessments, which examine the nervous system and brain activity. It is important to know that symptoms overlap, which is why many people are stuck. After understanding your brainwave activity and nervous system activity change is realistic.

Learn more at and how you can train your mind, brain, and body to be happier and healthier!

-Dr. Kyle


Understanding QEEG Brain Mapping


How to Overcome Stress